SoilTest Lab Services

SoilTest Lab Services is a crucial component of civil engineering and construction projects. It involves analyzing soil samples to determine their physical, chemical, and mechanical properties. This information is essential for designing foundations, structures, and other infrastructure elements that will be in contact with the soil.

Common SoilTest Lab Services Method :

  • Moisture Content.
  • Atterberg Limits. (Casagranade Test)
    • Liquid Limit.
    • Plastic Limit.
    • Linear Shrinkage.
  • Particle Size Distribution.
    • Dry Sieve Analysis.
    • Hydrometer.
  • Particle Density Test.
  • California Bearing Test (CBR)
    • Soaked
    • Unsoaked
  • Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression Tests (UU).
  • Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression Tests (CIU).