Soil Investigation Works

Soil investigation is a crucial process in construction and engineering projects that involves examining the subsurface soil conditions to understand its properties and behavior. This information is essential for designing and constructing structures that are safe, stable, and durable.

Common Soil Investigation Method :

  • Drilling
    • Deep Drilling
    • Wash Drilling
    • Auger Drilling
    • Rotary Drilling
  • Mackintosh Probes Test
  • Hand Auger Drilling
  • Trial Pit
  • Soil Penetration Test
    • Undisturbed Sample
    • Disturbed Sample
    • Mazier
  • Rock Coring (Core Sample)
  • Vane Sheer Test (Geonor)
  • Piston Sample
  • Permeability Test
    • Falling Head Test
    • Constant Head Test
  • Packer Test