Mineral Exploration

Mineral exploration is the process of searching for evidence of any mineralisation hosted in the surrounding rocks. Exploration works in stages of increasing sophistication, with cheap, cruder methods implemented at the start, and if the resultant information is economically interesting, this warrants the next, more advanced (and expensive) techniques.

Common Mineral Exploration Method :

  • Remote sensing.
  • Geological Mapping.
  • Geophysics Method
    • Electrical Resistivity
    • Seismic Refraction Survey
    • Magnetic Survey
  • Drilling Method
    • Vertical
    • Inclined Drilling
    • Hand Auger Method
    • Sludge Pump Method
    • Jetting Method
  • Laboratary Test
    • Mineralogy Analysis
      • Particle Size Distribution
      • Petrography Analysis
      • Thin Section Analysis
      • Polish Section
    • Geophysics
      • Specific Gravity
      • Resistivity
      • Velocity
      • Magnetic
      • Magnetic Separation
    • Geochemical Analysis
      • X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)
      • X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)
      • Rare Earth Elements (REE)