Groundwater Exploration

Groundwater exploration is the process of searching for and assessing underground water resources. It's a crucial activity in many regions, especially those facing water scarcity or relying heavily on groundwater for their water supply.

    Common Groundwater Exploration Method :

  • Type of Well Drilling
    • Monitoring Well
    • Exploration Well
    • Production Well
  • Drilling
    • Rotary Mud Drilling
    • Down The Hole (DTH)
  • Insitu Permeability Test
    • Falling Head
    • Constant Head
  • Downhole Probing Test
    • Gamma Ray Logging
    • Caliper Logging
    • Self-Potential Logging
    • Resistivity Logging
  • Pumping Test
    • Step Drawdown Test
    • Constant Discharge Test
    • Well Recovery Test